How To Solve Samsung Galaxy S5 – Water Damage

The Samsung Galaxy S5 is water resistant which is different from water proof. If your Galaxy S5 falls into a swimming pool or into a bucket of water, it will definitely be water damaged, but in the case of a sudden downpour or toilet drop accidentally, there are certain steps which may help your device from functioning normally.

How To Solve Samsung Galaxy S5 – Water Damage

  1. DO NOT TURN YOUR PHONE ON. Open the phone and dry it up with a towel or tissue or keep it under a high power light bulb, then put it into a bowl of rice, or a container filled with dry tea leaves, or a bag of silica crystals and keep it there for 24 hours.
  2. After that, put your battery back into the phone and turn it on. The phone should function normally.
  3. If the above solution does not help, your Galaxy S5 probably is water damaged and needs to be taken to a repair shop.

Remember: Do note put your phone into Salty Water or Acid Solution intentionally as the Galaxy S5 is not water proof.

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