How To Solve Water Damage Problem on Sony Xperia Z1S

Don’t worry, you are not the only one who has a Sony Xperia Z1S which is water damaged, there are many users who faced this problem. Yes, this is true that the phone is waterproof, but it has certain limitations. You can use it in water but the maximum depth should be 1.5 meters and the maximum time limit of the device to remain underwater is 30 minutes. You can use the Z1S in fresh water only, but you MUST seal all the flaps of your phone carefully before you use it roughly.

Follow the steps below if your phone is water damaged already.


Do not turn your Sony Xperia Z1 on, after taking it out from water. Wipe the outside with a soft towel or use any absorbent to wipe it. After you confirm that the outside is dried, open the flaps so that the water inside drains away. Keep all the flaps open and dry it out by keeping it in a bowl of rice for around 24 hours, this helps take out moisture.

If you find out that the Xperia Z1S is still not working after the drying process, you have to repair it. There is a water damage indicator present in the phone, but if you kept all flaps open and forgot, there is nothing you can do other than consulting a technician or visiting the customer care to find out their repair center.

If you are out of warranty, you can visit independent repair companies who work with water damaged phone or handle related problems.

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